Transactional Analysis Cumbrian Conference 2025

Online Programme

We are continuing to offer an online conference as we did during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The conference will be run along side our unperson conference but tyou can join us online via zoom. 

If you sign up for the online conference you will need a computer, tablet or phone capable of running zoom which can be freely downloaded here.



Click on the presenters name and workshop title for more information

Nea Clark - Entering into the neurodivergent solar system of ADHD

 I am inviting the audience to enter into the world of neurodivergent people who are diagnosed with ADHD or showing signs of ADHD. What are the questions to understand their universe? How to map out their mind and intraphsycic process. Learn to see the world from their perspective and understand their experience.
Develop of our own philosophy of working with ADHD. Learn about the endless possibilities of creating a treatment plan to deal with ADHD clients.

Yinka Junaid - Introjected parents and Cultural Self

This will be a collaborative, discussion-based experiential workshop where we will explore with each other our introjected parents and our many Cultural selves acquired from complex cultural sources with a view to letting go of beliefs and ways of being that are no longer relevant to the present.
Also, we will touch on the possible impact Intergenerational Trauma could have on an individual’s thoughts, behaviours and life.
I ask that you to come with a willingness to share, explore, and to learn from and with each other, and I hope that we will all go away enriched.

Anna Zuykova - The world changes, it changes us and we change the world.

The idea of the workshop comes from recent experience of working with and experiencing adapting to changes as a professional and a human being. Several latest years activated and forced us to develop new adapting mechanisms and resources as for our clients, as for ourselves as practitioners and individuals.

It influenced philosophical and ethical base, opening new dilemmas and moving us towards new ideas. The theory usage and development changed as well, stimulating to search new synergies and rethinking the existing ones. It activated changes in our practice – the environment, tools, boundaries, actual problematics, professional community and communication and so on.

During this workshop there will be open space for sharing experiences, co-creating and discussion about adapting to changes, finding resources and giving (self) support, possible future changes, challenges and gifts.

Dr. Seema Pradhan & Raguraman K - Relationship between cultural scripting and burnout in the 21st century

TA philosophy, theory and practice in the 21st century primarily needs to consider sociocultural aspects. The conditions in which people are born, grow, live and work have a bearing on their personality. Sociocultural scripting shapes a person’s attitude towards work and family life. Finding the balance between the two is crucial.
It has been observed that people who work for long hours go through burnout and it affects their mental health.
In this workshop, we will explore the impact of burnout and ways to recover from this by focusing on the relationship between Freudenberger’s personality types and cultural script patterns

Sunil Acharya - The Hello Transactions - For Better Global Future

Dr Eric Berne has beautifully described how we can make our Transactions better in few initial pages of his book ” What Do You Say After You Say Hello ” He has indicated how there can be peace, no war, trusting relations in different communities if we aim to achieve the right transactions. What is right transactions ? How can we use this learning for the peace, harmony and better understanding in this century. The participants will have this takeaway from my session.


Click on the presenters name and workshop title for more information

Kate Hardy - Boundaries: Fences and Shorelines

We are Boundaried beings. As TA practitioners (counsellors, coaches, educators, consultants, psychotherapists), we work at the edges and in the transgressive spaces. This experiential workshop will draw on a range of TA theory and provide an environment for participants to explore their own boundaries.

Alistair Berlin -Deconfusion for the 21st Century

Is the concept of Deconfusion still fit for purpose in the 21st century alongside contemporary intersectional theory and scientific research into how change takes place in therapy? This online workshop will explore this question and offer the opportunity for small and wider group discussions on these themes. Additionally it will provide a simple and clear understanding of the process of Deconfusion and how it can be facilitated within the therapeutic relationship. It will also offer the opportunity to put theory into practice by presenting a series of brief clinical presentations, and allowing participants to work together in small groups to think about how they might affect Deconfusion in these scenarios.

Piotr Jusik - Intercultural Resources for Resilience and Connection

This workshop proposal aims to explore intercultural resources for resilience and connection in diverse cultural settings. Participants will gain insights into the challenges of accessing psychological resources in intercultural contexts and the impact of dominant culture adaptation. Power dynamics, rank, and privilege in intercultural spaces will be examined, along with strategies for clarifying confusions and facing frustrations. The workshop will focus on co-creating inclusive frames of reference, recognizing cultural frames of reference, and strengthening the Adult ego state to include awareness of climate change and environmental racism. Through interactive exercises, participants will uncover intercultural resources that support personal growth and foster a sense of resilience and connection.

Mihaela-Leocadia Hartescu & Valeria Villa - Beyond the legacy of our TA Parent(s): inquiry into the interplay between therapy and parenthood from a TA perspective

We invite you on a journey of inquiry into the interplay between being a therapist and the parenthood journey, from a TA perspective.
We aim at opening a dialogue about:
* How the TA Parents have addressed explicitly or implicitly these themes in their philosoph(ies), theories and practice(s), spacing historically and through various TA schools.
* What have we discovered from our experiences of being a parent, from colleagues and clients being on a parenthood journey and how these have influenced our being a therapist?
* How the TA philosophy, embedded in the current socio-political context, can acknowledge and treasure the learning which can emerge from intentionally addressing the interplay of being a therapist and a parent and how this can feedback into the training structures and expand theories and practices.


Sudha Thimmaiah - TA for the 21st Century: - A Positive Comparative approach

Philosophy influences how one sees the world, theory shapes how one intentionally interacts with that world. Philosophy , earlier could be generalised, be abstract and be a beam of moonlight. However, today are people seeking a philosophy, theory as strategies to guide them make the best possible decisions in their lives? Could philosophy , theory and practice become the way we move forward in 21st century. This workshop will explore philosophy, theoretical frameworks of Transactional Analysis and Positive Psychology, to cocreate a way forward, that will provide answers to learning to find the best path forward, what is true, worthwhile and what brings meaning to a meaningful life.